Map Compass Map Compass adalah cara yang luar biasa untuk mengukur arah pada tampilan peta. Ini menunjukkan posisi Anda saat ini, arah gerakan Anda saat ini
Map Compass FREE
Map Compass is an amazing way to measure direction on the map view.
It shows your current position, direction of your current movement and true/magnetic north on the map. The map rotates based on the compass orientation and direction, helps you navigate to your destination. You can switch the map view between Satellite view and Street view.
Note: Internet connection are required to retrieve map and location information.
Other than display the direction on map view, it also detect the best network connection between GPS, Wifi and 3G to retrieve the latitude, longitude and altitude data of your current position and display them on the main screen.
Map Compass comes with high definition graphics and nice user interface design. You can also customize your application view with 5 cool compass design, as shown in preview.
Untuk detail lebih lanjut informasi tentang cara menggunakan aplikasi, silakan merujuk panduan pengguna di aplikasi ini.
Fitur Utama:
★ Tampilan lintang, bujur dan ketinggian
★ Pembaruan Lokasi GPS
★ Pilih koneksi jaringan terbaik secara otomatis (WiFi, 3G, GPS)
★ Support Satellite view and Street view
★ North True/Magnetic North
★ Kunci/Buka Kompas
★ 5 compass design/styles to select
★ Quick Calibration
★ Format koordinat yang dapat disesuaikan, laju sensor, ukuran teks, warna teks, unit
★ Tombol Pintasan Menu di Layar Utama
★ Keep screen awake
The accuracy of compass is highly relies on the device's sensors. Compass accuracy is as good as the orientation sensor, magnetic sensor and acceleration sensor of the device. It may varies on different devices.
Map Compass is a free application with more and more features will be added in future. We hope this free compass set can help you measure direction easily and conveniently in different situation. Jika Anda merasa bahwa aplikasi ini bagus dan bermanfaat, silakan luangkan sedikit waktu untuk membagikan aplikasi ini dengan teman -teman Anda atau menulis ulasan di pasar. Your encouragement will be our motivation to continue improve and develop more free quality apps. Jika Anda memiliki komentar, saran, atau pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di [email protected]. Terima kasih!!